Barnwood Value logos. Left to right. Focused value represented by arrow in dart board, Inclusive value represented by 3 figures forming a circle, Bold value represented by 3 arrows pointed upwards and Forward Thinking value represented by light bulb on top of a cloud.

Vision, purpose, values


Gloucestershire will be a better place when disabled people and people with mental health conditions are equal, empowered and their rights are upheld.



The Trust acts as an agent of social change, working alongside disabled people and people with mental health conditions to create that change.



The 4 Barnwood Trust values with icons laid out in a row. Reading out from left to right, they read; Focused: Disabled People and People with Mental Health conditions are at the heart of everything we do Inclusive: Connecting and collaborating with openness and honesty, we ensure all voices are respected heard and valued Bold: In the face of change and uncertainty we are flexible and confident in finding ways forward Forward Thinking: Using our independence we explore long term solutions to everyday challenges