Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2021
We have published our Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2021.
The following is taken from the Welcome from our Chair of Trustees Ann Santry and our Chief Executive Sally Byng. A link to the full report and statements can be found below.
“…In another development to enhance our accountability, we piloted a new engagement scheme for the Trust, open to anyone with an interest in disability and mental health, to test the scheme prior to launch in 2022. Part of the pilot included inviting members to contribute to a co-production project to redesign the Trust’s grant giving arrangements for individual disabled people and people with mental health challenges. This redesigned grant has now been launched in 2022.
The Trust has increased its financial support for disabled people and people with mental health challenges in Gloucestershire. Before the pandemic, grants made to individuals totalled £962,075, grants to organisations £403,102, a total investment in the county of £1,365,177. This report demonstrates the spend in 2021 for grants to individuals was a total of £1,086,623, grants to organisations was £998,216, making a total investment in the county of £2,084,839. This represents an increase of 52.7% in grants made between 2019 and 2022.
The listening and learning we do, especially through our Insights Team, is enabling us to keep abreast of the profound effects that the impact of the pandemic and the rising cost of living is having, especially on disabled people and people with mental health challenges. Our close connections to people and organisations across the county enable us to identify and examine how best the Trust can respond to and support what is an increasingly serious situation.