Learning Programme 2022
Programme Overview
In 2022 Barnwood Trust is offering a range of workshops to help people across Gloucestershire to learn about how to make change in the county that benefits disabled people and people with mental health challenges.
Workshops are facilitated by a range of Barnwood Trust staff and external partners and cater for a wide range of learning styles and preferences.
We are committed to making sure that our workshops are accessible and want to hear from you if there are things that will help you to attend, or barriers that might prevent you from doing so.
If you have any questions about our Learning Programme please email events@barnwoodtrust.org
Creating Change
This series of twelve peer learning sessions will see participants from a range of different organisations and with a range of different life experiences:
- Explore issues and opportunities relating to disability and/or mental health challenges in Gloucestershire
- Collaborate with people who you wouldn’t usually work with to identify how changes can happen to benefit disabled people and people with mental health challenges in Gloucestershire.
- Learn from each other about your area of work and/or life.
- Outside of the sessions, you will work to support peers from the learning sessions to make change to benefit disabled people and people with mental health challenges in Gloucestershire.
Runs monthly from April 2022 – March 2023- FULLY BOOKED
For more details of these sessions and the dates please click here
Involvement and Participation
This workshop will provide tools, techniques and testimonials in how to best make sure that disabled people and people with mental health challenges are involved in creating, designing and producing activities, communications and plans.
This workshop is designed for anyone who would like to meaningfully involve people with lived experience of disability and/or mental health challenges in their work.
Runs on 4 separate dates, starting April 2022
For more details and to register your interest please click here
Clear Communications
This workshop, delivered by Activity Alliance, will support anyone who creates content, wants to send a message or works in a customer-facing role to ensure that everyone in the county will know what it is you are trying to say.
With practical tips, as well as learning that will deepen your understanding and knowledge of how you can adapt your communications to make sure no one misses out on understanding your message, this workshop will support you to reach the widest audience you possibly can.
Runs on 3 separate dates, quarterly from May 2022.
For more details and to register your place please click here.
Activating Accessible Opportunities
This workshop is designed for anyone who provides social and/or recreational activities in Gloucestershire. The workshop will help you to make sure that your activities are accessible to disabled people and people with mental health challenges.
You’ll learn about practical steps to make your existing activities more inclusive, as well as develop an understanding of how critical accessible opportunities are for disabled people and people with mental health challenges in Gloucestershire.
Runs on 3 separate dates, starting June 2022.
For more details and to register your interest please click here.