Other support available
If you’re not sure what support it available, you can contact:
Citizens Advice provides advice through its website, and also through local offices. You can find your local office through their website.
Disability Rights UK has a number of factsheets on their website, which cover all sorts of subjects, from social care, to heating and your home. You can find these here.
Advice Local has lots of advice about local sources of information. You can find them here.
If you need support with your housing situation, P3 offer a drop-in service at their hubs in Cheltenham and Gloucester, details can be found here.
Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) have a 24hr helpline for advice and support, call 0808 2000 247 or see their website here.
If you don’t think you’re getting the support you are entitled to you can contact:
Inclusion Gloucestershire’s Advocacy Scheme may be able to help you to think about the support you need and plan to access this. You can find out more here.
Access Social Care has an online ChatBot that can provide you with advice about your eligibility for social care and welfare benefits. You can access the ChatBot here.
Council funding you may be eligible for:
Disabled Facilities Grants can help you make adaptations to your home and can cover up to £30,000 of costs. They are administered by local district councils and you can find more information about them here
Gloucestershire Welfare Fund can provide support with gas and electricity and items for your home. Find out more here.