Opportunities and Surveys
Healthwatch Gloucestershire – Survey for the 65+
Our Ageing Well in Gloucestershire project aims to gather insights into the needs, aspirations, and experiences of older adults (aged 65+) across the county, focusing on key areas such as health and wellbeing, independence, and access to local services.
We’re seeking input from older residents (65+) across the county to better understand:
- Their priorities for quality of life and independence as they age.
- Barriers to accessing healthcare, social care, and community services.
- Potential differences in service quality and availability across different parts of Gloucestershire.
Click here to complete the survey.
If you’d prefer a paper survey with pre-paid return envelope, for those who prefer to share their thoughts at their own pace, please contact Beth Foster at beth.foster@healthwatchgloucestershire.co.uk
Your support could be invaluable in helping us connect with voices that will help shape future services in Gloucestershire.
If you have any questions about the survey, please get in touch with: beth.foster@healthwatchgloucestershire.co.uk
Your Voice – Engaging with Autistic people who identify as LGBTQ survey
Research has shown that autistic people are more likely to identify as LGBTQi+. We are aware that LGBTQi+ spaces may not always be inclusive for autistic people and that the needs of LGBTQi+ autistic people might not always be represented in autistic spaces. We want to find out whether there is a need and interest for a network specifically for autistic people who identify as LGBTQi+, in order to represent their needs and provide a safe and inclusive space to discuss them. This network would be led by autistic LGBTQi+ people and meetings would be held online so that people from across the South West can attend.
Click here to complete the survey.
If you have any questions about the project or how your information will be used please contact Sammy Roberts via email: sammyr@inclusion-glos.org
7 Signs
‘7 Signs’ is a two day workshop designed to help jobseekers explore new ways to find work. A £10 supermarket voucher will be given for completing the workshop. Please see the attached leaflet for more details and how to sign up.
Date: 19th March & 21st March
Time: 9:45am-3:30pm
Place: Brimscombe Mill, Stroud, GL5 2QN
Paid Peer Worker Role
Please see the attached flyer on joining the ‘Clean Slate Elements Peer Support Programme’ to become a peer support worker. Details on how to get in touch are also on the attached flyer.
A research project with Inclusion Gloucestershire
You can take part in a study of the barriers that disabled people aged 18+ have faced in accessing free or low-cost talking therapies or counselling in Gloucestershire.
We know that people have experienced some barriers in accessing these services, and we would like to interview people to find out more about this.
Participants will receive a £25 voucher for taking part and have a chance to express their views about what will improve access to talking therapies in the county.
If you would like to take part in this research study you can email research@inclusion-glos.org or phone 07517994765.
More information can be found here
Inclusion Gloucestershire