Tackling ‘digital inclusion’
The Digital Inclusion Fund project works towards our objective that disabled people and people with mental health conditions are included and involved in their communities and the places where they live. The purpose of grants awarded ranged from equipment for online access, to community connection and participation projects. We also convened a community of practice with the 6 funded organisations to share their learning throughout the life of the funding. This community of practice will continue to meet in 2023 and beyond.
One of the organisations awarded funding was the Forest Voluntary Action Forum (FVAF).
The Forest Voluntary Action Forum (FVAF) is a charity and CIC which provides advice, support and training to over 800 voluntary groups, and manages a range of community initiatives delivered in partnership with local organisations. FVAF has a track record for working to improve the lives of disabled people and people with mental health conditions in the Forest of Dean.
In 2022, the Forest Voluntary Action Forum received grant funding from Barnwood Trust through the Digital Inclusion Fund. This was to set up a Forest of Dean Digital Partnership project, a collaboration between organisations in the area which builds on existing knowledge about digital need in the community.The funding is leading to pilot projects locally, aimed at removing barriers to the digital world and finding ways to work collaboratively.
The new Forest of Dean Digital Partnership is focused on engaging with disabled people and people with mental health conditions, including those with a learning disability or sensory impairment, as well as children and young people with experiences of marginalisation.
By bringing this partnership together, FVAF hopes they have a greater chance of addressing digital exclusion, enabling more people to access opportunities, and strengthening local organisations to become ‘digital champions’.